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Today when we talk about leather we are talking a material originated from the meat industry and environmentally polluted by manufacturing.
In the old days, leather could be the essential result of hunting or cattle agriculture.
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People needed hide and skins for wearing, protecting, keeping warm, or asAi??tools and even weapons. These needs might beAi??as Ai??important as to fill the stomach.
But there is another saying that it is not humane if feeding animals is only target for their skins or fur.

Our point of view is that, if we treat the animal well in its lifetime and kill it in a mercy way, there will be no suspenditure to use animal body part as useful material to improve manai??i??s life. This is a way of resource transformation and part of food chain only.
Looking at leather industry in social point of view, it helps to recycle by-products of meat to useful material. At the same time, it replaces some other artificial or natural materials.
Only that if tanners keep processing in a clean way and use less harmful chemicals, leather production can be a human friendly and green industry.
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